Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Movie Review: King Kong

At three hours and seven minutes, King Kong is a long movie. I don't necessarily have anything against long movies (I liked all of the Lord of the Rings movies), but King Kong seemed to only have a plot that was involved enough for perhaps two hours.

I imagine most people are familiar with the main plot line of this movie since it's a remake of a classic 30's movie that has been referenced quite a bit. It'll be sufficient to say that the movie took too long to get to the island that Kong was on, and once there they way too much time on the island.

Another complaint I have about the movie is how the natives on the island were portrayed, which was way over the top in a negative way. Plus, unless I missed something they disappeared about a third of the way through the time the movie spent on the island and were never heard from again, despite all sorts of running around that happened on the island.

Bottom line: Not the worst movie ever, but one I would not recommend.


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