Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Blog Improvements, Newsgator

You might have noticed that my blog looks a bit differently than it did a week ago. Basically, I've changed up the what is on my sidebar and that process might not be final). I figured out how to add tags, so I'll probably be doing that most of the time. I also added that "Subscribe to Paralysis by Analysis" link, mainly to see if I could. It allows people to more easily add my blog to their aggregator or similar type program.

Speaking of such programs, I've been using Newsgator Online and so far I really like it. It makes it easy to keep up on a large number of blogs, by showing you which blogs (of the ones you have subscribed to their RSS feed) have published since your last visit and it also displays the recent posts from those blogs in a simple text format. If you have to spend alot of time checking on blogs, or you would like to read more blogs, but don't have the time this is an option you should consider.

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